Bridging a generation gap with 1 Rs notes – Just another WordPress site

Bridging a generation gap with 1 Rs notes

My iPhone has been ringing for an hour now. I’ve got a missed Facetime call from my daughter abroad, a request for payment from the neighborhood sabzi waala, and a message for my next appointment. But the last notification truly wakes me from my reverie. It’s a reminder of a very important day I spent with my elders when they were still around. And it made me think of the stark contrast between the time I was a child and the generation that’s going through their growing up pangs now. 

I sit here surrounded by the latest gadgets and immersed in a digital world. Today, we have every possible thing at our disposal, from cutting-edge technology to instant access to information. Yet I can’t help feeling there’s a prevailing sense of discontent and unfulfillment that seems to loom over us. It’s so different from the time I grew up in! 

In my quest to understand this phenomenon, I mentally drew a comparison to the generation that grew up in the ’60s and ’70s, a time when material possessions were scarce, but happiness seemed abundant.

Growing up, I was fortunate to have a loving relationship with my grandmother. Every time we met, she would slip a crisp 1 Rs note into my tiny palms. Those notes were a treasure to me, not just because of their monetary value, but because of the love and care attached to them. They represented a connection to my grandmother and a chance to save up for something truly special.

With each visit, I would find new and creative ways to hide those crisp notes. Sometimes they would find their way into the depths of a book, or I would secretly stash them away in the corner of a drawer, just waiting for the right moment to use them. My imagination would run wild as I dreamt of what I could buy with my hard-earned savings.

In contrast, today’s generation has debit cards, money supply, and seemingly endless resources. They have lost touch with the value of those small, tangible treasures and the emotions they carry. There is a lack of appreciation for the effort put into those gifts, especially by elders who have witnessed a different time. It makes me feel like instant gratification provided by our current technology has diluted the sense of wonder and anticipation that was once an integral part of growing up.

There’s no value attached to monetary presents, no love for handmade gifts; it’s all about go big or go home. When my daughters were younger, birthday parties involved a standard template. It was one that everyone knew and used, but also what everyone loved. There was a huge cake, potato wafers and samosa—which sometimes stuck together on a paper plate when served! To top it all off, there was a box of Frooti or a glass of soft drink.

Today, birthday parties must have themes, costumes, performers, return gifts and more. It sometimes makes me wonder if this one-upmanship between grown ups makes the children more unsatisfied with everything they get. 

The generation that grew up in the 60s and 70s—people like me who are now parents and grandparents—often express a sense of disconnect with today’s youth. They long for their children and grandchildren to experience the same joy and fulfillment that they found in the simpler pleasures of life. They remember a time when happiness was not tied to material possessions or the latest gadgets, but to the bonds they formed with family and friends.

Back then, without the distractions of smartphones and social media, people relied on face-to-face interactions to build relationships. Neighbors would gather on porches, sharing stories and laughter late into the evening. Families would come together for meals, and the warmth of togetherness would fill their homes. In those moments, true contentment was found.

Yet, today’s generation seems to have lost sight of these valuable connections. We are often so engrossed in our digital lives that we forget to truly engage with the people around us. The depth of relationships has been replaced by shallow online interactions, leaving a void in our souls that cannot be filled by the latest technology or material possessions.

As I reflect on the past and observe the present, I can’t help but wonder how we can bridge this disconnect. Perhaps it starts with a shift in our mindset, a realization that happiness cannot be bought or found in the virtual world alone. We need to rekindle our appreciation for the smaller moments in life, the conversations shared over a cup of tea, the laughter that echoes through a room, and the love that permeates every gesture.

The treasure of my grandmother’s 1 Rs notes were not just in their monetary value but in the love and care they represented. Today, as I navigate a world saturated with technology and endless choices, I yearn to reconnect with the innocence and fulfillment that the generation of the ’60s and ’70s experienced. It is in finding joy in the simpler things, in treasuring the bonds we share, and in rediscovering the precious moments that we can truly find contentment and fulfillment once again.


About the Author

Mala Mansukhani

Mala spearheads the Grow Younger movement to help women over the age of 50 embrace a holistic lifestyle, and develop their minds and bodies. Mala is a force of nature—a motivational speaker, fitness icon, fashionista and philanthropist, whose mission is to help people Grow Younger.

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